Friday, December 11, 2009

New Database - Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries is the premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education. Users need to create individual accounts and interest profiles.

Check it out!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

News: Made for the Web

The Living Stories project is an experiment in presenting news, one designed specifically for the online environment. The project was developed by Google in collaboration with two of the country's leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

All in one place
Complete coverage of an on-going story is gathered together and prioritized on one URL. You can now quickly navigate between news articles, opinion pieces and features without long waits for pages to load.

Easy to explore
Each story has an evolving summary of current developments as a well as an interactive timeline of critical events. Stories can be explored by themes, significant participants or multimedia.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Save the Date! Tech Fair 2010 is coming.

Tech Fair 2010 is coming! Trexler Library and the Distance Education and Instructional Technology Department once again join forces to bring you Tech Fair 2010. Join us January 12, 2010 (snow date January 14) in Trexler Library, 9:00am - 2:30pm. New exciting offerings this year including Web Offerings (via Elluminate) and our new Tech Clinic! Workshops include Discovering Windows 7, Advanced Database Searching Tips and Tricks, Advanced Word, APA and MLA 2009 Updates, The Power of HTML and much more.

Registration will open Monday, December 7 online at:

We hope to see you there.

Friday, November 20, 2009

APA Citation Format Workshops Nov. 30 - Dec. 3

Trexler Library is offering drop in APA Citation Format 2009 workshops Monday through Thursday, November 30 through December 3, 2009 from 4:30pm to 5:15pm.

We will also offer the workshops at a slightly later time on Tuesday (Dec. 1) and Thursday (Dec 3) from 6:30pm to 7:15pm. We hope these later workshops will accommodate our students who are also working full time.

Please bring your copy of the APA Manual if you have one.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Mystery in the Library"

Calling all freshmen! Come to Trexler Library on Thursday, November 19th (3:30-4:30 p.m.) for the first “Mystery in the Library” event! Students will divide into teams and follow clues throughout the building to solve the literary mystery while also learning to use library resources. Snacks and prizes will be available after the mystery has been solved! Students will receive one Academic point for Character U. Get there on time because only the first 60 people will be admitted

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Database

ATLA Religion Database™ provides information on topics such as biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religion in social issues. This database is the definitive index for religious and theological literature. It contains 1.6 million bibliographic records covering the research literature of religion in over 60 languages. Most coverage spans from 1949 to the present. The database is produced by the American Theological Library Association.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Laptops!!

Good News! Trexler Library has added 12 brand new laptops for circulation and use in the the library. They have large screens, improved battery life, and speedy Internet connections. They go out for 2 hours at a time, but you can renew them if no one else is waiting for a machine. Ask for them at the circulation desk and bring along your DeSales ID.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drop in APA Citation Workshops

Trexler Library is offering four drop in workshops on APA citation formatting next week.
Join us either Nov. 2, 3, 4, or 5 from 4pm to 4:45pm for a quick session on the basics of citing your sources for your papers and presentations. All are welcome. Bring along your puzzling citations and we’ll try to help you format them.
Bring your APA Manual with you if you own one.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Snapshot: One Day in the Life of PA Libraries

The Pennsylvania Library Association and Commonwealth Libraries are launching a project called Snapshot PA: One Day in the Life of Pennsylvania Libraries-October 28,2009. Its purpose? To capture the impact that Pennsylvania libraries have on their communities on a typical day.

Librarians from all types of libraries, public and academic libraries, school and special libraries, hospital libraries and government libraries; from the tiniest facility to the largest county systems will participate

Trexler Library will be reporting events of this day. Come and be a part of a day in the life of Trexler!

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Books on Social History

"Creating an Opportunity Society" by Ron Haskins and shelved at: HN90.S65 H35 2009

"Giving: How Each of Us can Change the World" by Bill Clinton and shelved at:HN18.C477 2007

New Titles in Criminal Justice

"Lifers: Seeking Redemption in Prison" by John Irwin and shelved at HV9471.I776 2009

"Youth, Crime and Justice: a Global Inquiry" by Clayton A. Hartzen and shelved at: HV9069.H324 2008

"NYPD Confidential: Power and Corruption in the Country's Greatest Police Force" by Leonard Levitt and shelved at: HV8148.N5 L395 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Titles in Project Management

We have begun collecting in the area of project management, which is one of the tracks in the DeSales MBA program. Take a look at the following new titles.
Project Quality Management: Why, What, and How HD69.P75 R664 2005

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge HD69.P75 G946 2008

The Principles of Project Management HD69.P75 P677 1997

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our three new small group study rooms were installed this week on the first floor. Each one includes a white board. We hope they provide a friendly and functional spot for group projects and studying.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August Flood in Trexler

On Sunday, August 2, 2009, a pipe in the ceiling burst and water poured over a range of books on our second floor. The remediation folks came in and brought lots of dehumidifying fans to help us dry out the area. We have lost about 300+ books, but we are also grateful that the damage was limited.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our new shades are being installed this week in the back on the first floor. We think they will make the back area much more comfortable for studying as well as help reduce the need for air conditioning. Tell us what you think.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Renovation Update

We’ve removed stacks in the back of the first floor to make room for three small group study areas. Can you tell where the carpet has faded?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Online Catalog

We are testing a whole new way for you to access Trexler Library's online catalog. It's called WorldCat Local. Go to to take a look. You will find links to our books as well as online journals, web sites and much more.

New Education Titles

Here's an interesting new title on improving online learning: "Empowering Online Learning: 100+ activities for reading, reflecting, displaying and doing. Find it at LB1028.5.B597 2008

We have also added "From a Nation at Risk to No Child Left Behind: National Education Goals and the Creation of Federal Education Policy" by Maris Vinovskis. It is on the shelf at LB3060.83.V56 2009

Great New Art Book

We have added to our collection the exhibit catalog for the current blockbustetr exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Cezanne and Beyond. Find it at N6853.C45 A4 2009

Great new art book

We have added to the collection the exhibit catalog from the current exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Cezanne and Beyond. Find it at M6853.C45 A4 2009

Info on Learning Disabilities

We have added "The Complete Learning Disabilities Directory, 2009" to our collection. It covers associations, products, services, books, conferences, web sites and more. Find it at HV1553.C67 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Videos available for spring 2009 Brown Bag Lunch Programs

Three new Brown Bag Discussion videos are available from our TrexCast site available from the library homepage. These include the April 18 session "Networking for Writers" which was presented by Juilene Osbourne-McKnight and Dr. Katherine Ramsland, the March 13 session "Thinking Green" about Juilene Osbourne-McKnight's trip to Ireland with her students, and the March 16 yoga session "Breathe well and be well" presented by Lisa Bryan.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Phyllis Vogel's 40 Years at DeSales

Congratulations to Phyllis Vogel on the anniversary of her 40th year of working at DeSales! She has served as the Trexler Library Technical Services Librarian, handling interlibrary loan, cataloging, acquisitions and keeping the library budget under control. Thank you Phyllis of all those years of great work. We hope you remain here for many more years.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

National Library Week

This week is National Library Week April 12-18, 2009. Stop in the library to see our book display in honor of this event.

Update on Food for Fines Program

Thanks to all the students who contributed to our Food for Fines Program. The student group, Advocates for Awareness, ran the program for us, and they were able to donate six boxes of food to Victory House in Bethlehem.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

cookbooks still available

There are still a few cookbooks available for purchase @ $6.00. They make great graduation presents.

Literature Titles on Order

The following titles were well reviewed in the "New York Times Book Review" and are on now order.

"The Letters of Samuel Beckett: vol. 1, 1929-1940." Edited by Martha Dow Fehesenfeld. Cambridge University Press.

"Dear Husband." by Joyce Carol Oates. Ecco/Harper Colling Publishers. This is a collection of the author's short stories.

"The Glister." by John Burnside. A novel set in Scotland's postindustrial toxic wasteland.

New DVD's in the Trexler Library

Here is a listing of all new DVD's added to our collection for March 2009:

Ancient Greece - DF78 .A53 2002 DVD

Before Night Falls - PQ7390.A72 Z464132 1993 DVD

Checklist -: A measure of evil - RC55 .C494 2006 DVD

GOL & Gincu - PN1995.9.F67 G565 2005 DVD

Great American Music: Broadway Musicals: Parts 1-2 ML2054 .M477 2006 DVD

Harry Langdon: the forgotten clown - PN1995.9.C55 H367 1997 DVD

Ice Storm - PN1995.9.F67 M8282 2005 DVD

Mad of Bad? Psychologically assessing Criminal competence - HV607 .M33 2002 DVD

Meyerhold, Theatre and the Russian Avant-Garde - PN2189 .M575 2004 DVD

Monday Morning Glory - Pn1995.9.F67 M8282 2005 DVD

MU - 1997.2 .M82 2005 DVD

Night onf Earth - PN1997.N5448 2007 DVD

Paul: contenting for the faith BS2505 .P38 2004 DVD

Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles - BS6251 .P274 1986 DVD

Il Posto - PN1997 .P678 2003 DVD

Ratcatcher - PN1995.9.C4 R38 2002 DVD

Sweet Movie - PN1995.9.S45 S9448 2007 DVD

White Dog - PN1997.W45 2008 DVD

World at War - D743.23 .W67 2004 DVD Vols.1 -11

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Books on Science

Interested in Science? The following are new titles added to Trexler in the last month:

"Archimedes to Hawking: Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind Them." by Clifford A. Pickover
Q175.32.R25 P53 2008

"Plasma Chemistry." by Alexander Fridman.
QD581.F75 2008

"An Everglades Providence: Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the American Environmental Century." by Jack E. Davis
QH31.D645 D38 2009

"Genomes and What to Make of Them." by Barry Barnes and John Dupre.
QH447.B38 2008

"Climate Code Red: the Case for Emergency Action." by David Spratt and Philip Sutton.
QC981.8 G56 S66 2008

"Math and Art:an Introduction to Visual Mathematics." by Sasho Kalajdievski in collabotration with R. Padmanabhan.
QA445.K32 2008

New Books on Government and Politics

Here is a sampling of some new books on government and politics.

"And Justice for All: the United States Commission on Civil Rights and the Continuing Struggle for Freedom in America." by Mary Frances Berry
JC599.U5 B45 2009

"A Tolerable Anarchy: Rebels, Reactionaries, and the making of American Freedom." by Jedediah Purdy
JC599.U5 P87 2009

"The Case for Big Government." by jeff Madrick
JK421.M328 2009

"The New Nativism: Proposition 187 and the Debate Over Immigration." by Robin Dale Jacobson.
JV6920,J33 2008

Recent Business Acquisitions

Here are a few of the books on business that we added to the collection in the last month:
"Lords of Finance: the Bankers Who Broke the World." by Liaquat Ahamed
HG172.A43 2009

"Inside the Fed: Monetary Policy and Its Management, Martin through Greenspan to Bernanke." by Stephen H. Axilrod.
HG501.A95 2009

"Top 10 Legal Issues Facing Entrepreneurs in Pennsylvania." by Brad M. Russo, Esq.
HD2346.T62 2008

"Retaking Rationality: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and our Health." by Richard L. Revesz
HD3616.U47 R486 2008

"Government Spending" edited by Mitchell Young
HJ7537.G68 2009

Brown Bag on Friday April 17 Dr. Colosi's BI242 Field Trip To Hawaii

Join us in Trexler library on Friday, April 17 at noon for "Twelve Days in Paradise: Dr. Colosi's BI 242 Field Biology in Hawaii." Dr. Colosi and his students will provide pictures and discussion about their winter break research in Hawaii.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Well Reviewed Books on Abraham Lincoln

There have been many books published on Abraham Lincoln recently, and here are some new additions to our collection that were rated highly in numerous reviews: "Lincoln: a Biography" by Ronald White, Jr. shelved at E457.W597 2009; "Looking for Lincoln: the Making of an American Icon" by Phillip Kunhardt shelved at E457.2.K86 2008; "Lincoln and Booth: More Light on the Conspiracy" by H. Donald Winkler and shelved at E457.5.W77 2003.

New Business Monographs

Here is a selection of Business books we have added in February: "Business without Bosses: How Self-Managing Teams are Building High Performing Companies" by Charles Manz and shelved at HD66.M363 1993; "Innovation Corrupted: the Origins and Legacy of Enron's Collapse" by Malcolm Salter and shelved at HD9502.U54 E579225 2008; "The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern Advertising" by Kenneth Roman and shelved at HF5810.O34 A3 2009; "How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere in the World" by Frank Acuff and shelved at HD58.6.A27 2008.

New History Monograhs

This month we have added the following books on European history: "Armageddon Averted: the Soviet Collapse and the Rise of East Central Europe" by Stephen Kotkin and shelved at DK274.K635 2001; "Warfare in the Dark Ages" by John France at D128.B77 2007; "Album of the Damned: Snapshots from the Third Reich" by Paul Garson at DD253.G37 2008.

New Best Sellers

We sometimes buy (or receive as gifts) best selling fiction titles, and this month we have added John Grisham's "The Broker" at call number PS3557.R5355 B76 2005b; "Dewey: a Small-Town Library Cat who Touched the World" by Vicki Myron at SF445.5.M97 2008; and "The Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck at PS3602.E2685 C57 2008. Look for all three of these titles in our Browsing section on the first floor of the library.

Personal research help

Are you hassled with lots of papers due for your courses this semester? DeSales librarians are here to help! We can save you time and point you in the right direction. Call x1266 for an appointment to work one-on-one with a Public Services Librarian and ask for Loretta Ulincy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A New Acquisition!

Check out one of the library’s latest acquisitions. Literally! Trexler Library is the proud owner of the Black Dog Opera Library, a collection of 13 book & compact disc sets designed to introduce readers to an understanding and appreciation of opera. Each book includes the complete opera on two compact discs, the complete libretto with annotations, a critical historical commentary, and brief biographical information on the performers. The set includes La Traviata, The Flying Dutchman, Aida, La Boheme, Carmen, Cavalleria Rusticana, Fidelio, Madame Butterfly, Magic Flute, The Marriage of Figaro, Rigoletto, Tosca and La Traviata. The sets are shelved in the General Collection and can be checked out for a three-week period.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New DVD's in Trexler Library

Each month the library purchases new DVD titles to add to our collection. The titles this month include:

Facing the Giants - A high school football coach with a history of losing games faces not only the pressures from a group of fathers wanting him fired, but also the possibility that his wife can never have children. When he turns to God, will his prayers be answered?
PN1995.9 .M45 F33564 2006 DVD

Farmingville - Documentary film about the next group of immigrants, the Mexicans, that are following in our long history of immigration. It looks at the people of Farmingville, New York, and at how they are dealing with the influx of about 1,500 Mexican worker
F128.9.M4 F37 2004 DVD

Flywheel - A dishonest used car salesman turns his life around, after he is caught deceiving customers and must return their money. PN1997.2 .F5994445 2007 DVD

Godfathers collection: the True history of of the Mafia - HV6441 .G63 2004 DVD Vols. 1-2

Night Gallery - Sci-fi series from the 1960's - PN1992.77 .N54 2008 DVD

Walkout - Honor student organizes a multi-school walkout to protest unfair treatment of Mexican Americans by the East Los Angeles public school system. PN1997.2 .W355 2006 DVD

Shadowlands - Based on the true story of C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned writer and professor who remains untouched by any great passion until he meets and falls in love with Joy Gresham, a feisty, abrasive New York divorcee PN1995.9.L6 S533 1998 DVD

World Without Us -"This documentary debates the implications and consequences of U.S. military involvement in the world today. Future scenarios in the absence of the U.S. intervention are well debated and substantiated by experts and ordinary citizens whose lives have been affected by the American presence in different regions. E 895 .W672 2008 DVD

To look at a listing of all our DVD's use our Subject search on our online catalog and type in DVD. This will bring up an alphabetical listing of all our titles. DVD's can be checked out for only a week and a maximum of 5 items may be taken out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Trexler Library's Food for Fines Program. Beginning on March 16, 2009 we will reduce your library fines by $2 for each canned good you donate. The food will be donated to a local homeless shelter. Help yourself and your community at the same time!